Can Clinton be impeached?
by R. Emmet Tyrell Jr. and "Anonymus"
Collaborating with a secret source giving him
"Deep Throat" style information, R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., has penned yet another
potential bestseller about Bill Clinton that will surely become the talk of Washington. The
Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton is a masterful work of "future
history" and a realistic "roadmap" for impeachment. It shows how Clinton
could be impeached in an astonishingly realistic scenario that will leave you wondering
not if it will ever happen, but when!
The Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton reads like a political thriller. But it uses real-life characters (appearing under their own names), giving it the eye-popping clarity of a true historical account. Set in the context of an impeachment trial, Tyrrell and "Anonymous" masterfully project what could happen, using known facts as well as many fresh, unreported revelations that could become public knowledge tomorrow.
The result is a spine-tingling scenario that shows exactly how Clinton could be impeached -- and why it may happen sooner than you think! Moreover, you'll ask with Tyrrell and "Anonymous": Is there a smoking gun? One crucial piece of evidence, tucked away in the oval office that may ultimately turn the tide against our President.
Praise for The Impeachment of
William Jefferson Clinton
"Bob Tyrrell's account of the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton was so realistic that, throughout my reading, I found myself constantly turning back to the cover, to make sure it was not the dour grey or green cover that binds every official record of proceedings in the House Judiciary Committee, including the last presidential impeachment proceedings in the House, in 1974."
--Congressman Bob Barr, from his forward
"What a delicious fantasy! But is it so fantastic? Bob Tyrrell has carefully researched the case against Bill Clinton with factual evidence. By the end, I thought I was reading about times past rather than possible times future."
--Robert Novak, syndicated columnist
R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., is founder and Editor-in-Chief of The American Spectator,
and a nationally syndicated columnist. His previous books include
the New York Times bestseller Boy Clinton: The Political
Biography, The Conservative Crack-Up, and The Liberal Crack-Up.
"Anonymous" is the pen name of a veteran Washington insider who has
served in two White House administrations, and is an expert on the subject of presidential
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The hardcover edition of The Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton is available now in bookstores for $24.95, or can be ordered directly from Regnery Publishing by calling 1-888-219-4747.